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Mon David & Cathy Segal-Garcia

Board Members

Jackie Gibson

Dolores Scozessi



The Board's Messages to you!

Cathy Segal-Garcia: 

Art, even once removed from the live creation of it, is powerful.

But performing live and being creative, it’s special to connect with the people who are right before you in the moment.  Many times we sense that people want to be included, be part of it, because we inspire them to do that, with what we do. We remind them that we’re all in this together. 

This is not new news.  But we must remember that we are not just “entertaining”.  We are changing the makeup of the world, we are changing the makeup of the beings who are listening to us, who are imagining things and feeling things because of what we’re creating. 

We are responsible for that.  Responsible for creating…because we are able to.  Therefore, to not create is probably one of the biggest sins there is.  Creation includes being able to arrive, to be honest, to move forward and through any barrier to the other side…which is a God space…this is being truly blessed.  To this end, we are responsible.  We can show people the God space and how to get there, just by this action of creating.  We all can arrive and exist in that space, together.  Can you imagine the peace and fun in that? 


Mon David:  I think Cathy, Dolores, Jackie, Maryanne and almost all musicians and singers we know have the same aspirations--that is to create peace and harmony through our instruments and voices...everytime I sing, improvise, react and interact with other musicians--I feel I'm adding to the peace in the world because I see faces glow in front of me...

it keeps changing me and transforming me in good , positive ways…and when people say how grateful and elated they are, I'm even more inspired to continue creating, connecting and pursuing this life -changing art form we fondly call jazz! Sometimes it's even more than that! A feeling that transcends everything, every style, every venue's encompassing! And that's why I feel ‘human connection’ applies to transcends races, creed, tradition, politics, gender, styles, classifications ...this may sound corny to some but 'human connection' is love ...whenever I'm in the zone performing and singing/playing, I get to go to my 'innermost feelings' and express them and share them with the audience and that's when I feel I'm truly and honestly 'connecting' --now if that's not 'human connection', I don't know what is...and that precisely is what I consider true peace...true fulfillment...state of grace!  Something that can never be replaced by wealth, fame and other external benefits...


Jackie Gibson:

My vision:  Collaboration: “Working together”…  The synergy of coming together and working with a common goal.  This has been my personal philosophy, most of my life, in how I interact, how I communicate and what I strive for, in order to give back and help others in need.  I have been working on this through my organization “Jazz Del Corazon-Music” with a Purpose.

   The world has been going through a transformation. Beliefs are being questioned and shaken. There are those who believe and those who do not believe our environment is changing as well.

We seek answers…we seek solutions.    We seek the wisdom in order to apply the knowledge to the world we live in.  We are looking for healing and inspiration.  We wish to find our Joy.

“Human Connection” is the vehicle to inform people, that they are not alone and that we are sharing knowledge for them to impart in their daily lives.  We are creating a nucleus that embraces different studies through music and other artistic expressions on a higher level.  I believe in the power of healing through music and the arts.  I believe in the momentum we create, when we come together, sharing similar beliefs, and strengthen our individual spirituality.  Each will find their own individual answers, through information that will resonate to them alone.



Dolores Scozzesi:  I can remember from a very early age being deeply attracted to mystery and having a desire to feel connected to something higher than myself. I thrive on working towards a common goal with groups of like-minded people for the betterment of Humanity.

One of the reasons i love jazz so much is because it's collaborative, a creative group effort to express sound, groove and passion.

I've learned through obstacles and challenges that we are not alone; we all need each other. I've found in myself a person that loves being of service to my loved ones and my musical community.

These are just a few reasons I'm so drawn to “Human Connection”.




From Herbie Hancock and Wayne Shorter, their message to us:

To the Next Generation of Artists,

We find ourselves in turbulent and unpredictable times.

From the horror at the Bataclan, to the upheaval in Syria and the senseless bloodshed in San Bernardino, we live in a time of great confusion and pain. As an artist, creator and dreamer of this world, we ask you not to be discouraged by what you see but to use your own lives, and by extension your art, as vehicles for the construction of peace.


While it’s true that the issues facing the world are complex, the answer to peace is simple; it begins with you. You don’t have to be living in a third world country or working for an NGO to make a difference. Each of us has a unique mission. We are all pieces in a giant, fluid puzzle, where the smallest of actions by one puzzle piece profoundly affects each of the others. You matter, your actions matter, your art matters.

We’d like to be clear that while this letter is written with an artistic audience in mind, these thoughts transcend professional boundaries and apply to all people, regardless of profession.



We are not alone. We do not exist alone and we cannot create alone. What this world needs is a humanistic awakening of the desire to raise one’s life condition to a place where our actions are rooted in altruism and compassion. You cannot hide behind a profession or instrument; you have to be human. Focus your energy on becoming the best human you can be. Focus on developing empathy and compassion. Through the process you’ll tap into a wealth of inspiration rooted in the complexity and curiosity of what it means to simply exist on this planet. Music is but a drop in the ocean of life.



The world needs new pathways. Don’t allow yourself to be hijacked by common rhetoric, or false beliefs and illusions about how life should be lived. It’s up to you to be the pioneers. Whether through the exploration of new sounds, rhythms, and harmonies or unexpected collaborations, processes and experiences, we encourage you to dispel repetition in all of its negative forms and consequences. Strive to create new actions both musically and with the pathway of your life. Never conform.



The unknown necessitates a moment-to-moment improvisation or creative process that is unparalleled in potential and fulfillment. There is no dress rehearsal for life because life, itself, is the real rehearsal. Every relationship, obstacle, interaction, etc. is a rehearsal for the next adventure in life. Everything is connected. Everything builds. Nothing is ever wasted. This type of thinking requires courage. Be courageous and do not lose your sense of exhilaration and reverence for this wonderful world around you.



We have this idea of failure, but it’s not real; it’s an illusion. There is no such thing as failure. What you perceive as failure is really a new opportunity, a new hand of cards, or a new canvas to create upon. In life there are unlimited opportunities. The words, “success” and “failure”, themselves, are nothing more than labels. Every moment is an opportunity. You, as a human being, have no limits; therefore infinite possibilities exist in any circumstance.



The world needs more one-on-one interaction among people of diverse origins with a greater emphasis on art, culture and education. Our differences are what we have in common. We can work to create an open and continuous plane where all types of people can exchange ideas, resources, thoughtfulness and kindness. We need to be connecting with one another, learning about one another, and experiencing life with one another. We can never have peace if we cannot understand the pain in each other’s hearts. The more we interact, the more we will come to realize that our humanity transcends all differences.



Art in any form is a medium for dialogue, which is a powerful tool. It is time for the music world to produce sound stories that ignite dialogue about the mystery of us. When we say the mystery of us, we’re talking about reflecting and challenging the fears, which prevent us from discovering our unlimited access to the courage inherent in us all. Yes, you are enough. Yes, you matter. Yes, you should keep going.



Arrogance can develop within artists, either from artists who believe that their status makes them more important, or those whose association with a creative field entitles them to some sort of superiority. Beware of ego; creativity cannot flow when only the ego is served.



The medical field has an organization called Doctors Without Borders. This lofty effort can serve as a model for transcending the limitations and strategies of old business formulas which are designed to perpetuate old systems in the guise of new ones. We’re speaking directly to a system that’s in place, a system that conditions consumers to purchase only the products that are dictated to be deemed marketable, a system where money is only the means to an end. The music business is a fraction of the business of life. Living with creative integrity can bring forth benefits never imagined.



Your elders can help you. They are a source of wealth in the form of wisdom. They have weathered storms and endured the same heartbreaks; let their struggles be the light that shines the way in the darkness. Don’t waste time repeating their mistakes. Instead, take what they’ve done and catapult you towards building a progressively better world for the progeny to come.



As we accumulate years, parts of our imagination tend to dull. Whether from sadness, prolonged struggle, or social conditioning, somewhere along the way people forget how to tap into the inherent magic that exists within our minds. Don’t let that part of your imagination fade away. Look up at the stars and imagine what it would be like to be an astronaut or a pilot. Imagine exploring the pyramids or Machu Picchu. Imagine flying like a bird or crashing through a wall like Superman. Imagine running with dinosaurs or swimming like mer-creatures. All that exists is a product of someone’s imagination; treasure and nurture yours and you’ll always find yourself on the precipice of discovery.

How does any of this lend to the creation of a peaceful society you ask? It begins with a cause. Your causes create the effects that shape your future and the future of all those around you. Be the leaders in the movie of your life. You are the director, producer, and actor. Be bold and tirelessly compassionate as you dance through the voyage that is this lifetime.







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